Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Premium Labeled Wash Bottles, 1000 ml, Non Flexible Delivery Tube
- 1000 ml low density polyethylene (LDPE) wash bottles
- Chemical resistant printing includes chemical name and formula, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and symbols, protective equipment symbol (PES), target organ information, hazard Codes
- no graduations
- made from durable, translucent low density polyethylene
- Includes self ventilating screw cap with non flexible delivery tube
- Inner delivery tube reaches to bottom of bottle
- Perfect for accurate and consistent dispensing of liquids
- Available for:
- Acetone (CH0179G)
- Distilled Water (CH0179H)
- Isopropanol (CH0179I)
- Ethanol (CH0179J)
- Methanol (CH0179K)
- Sodium Hypochlorite (CH0179L)
- See specifications tab for chemical and heat resistance information